
The best way to convert 160 currencies and 350 physical units.


The best way to convert 160 currencies and 350 physical units.

More than 160 different currencies and 350 different physical units can be quickly and easily converted using Convertium.

Convertium is great for frequent users because it allows them to save their favorite conversion units for quick access in the future. Save time and energy without sacrificing quality.

Even if you don't have access to the internet, you can still get the most up-to-date exchange rates every half-hour. If an update is successful, Convertium will store the new information so you can use it in offline calculations.


  • In-the-moment calculations

  • Support for more than 350 different units of measurement and 160 different currencies

  • A "favorite" list of conversion types

  • Real-time updates to currency exchange rates

  • Currency tied to a specific region


Measurements of volume, area, velocity, temperature, weight, energy, currency, pressure, time, length, power, information, density, frequency, Illuminance, acceleration, plain angle, network velocity, fuel consumption, electrical current, radioactivity, and cooking are all measured and converted to the metric or imperial systems.


  • No Commercial Interruptions

  • Any Number of Favorites

  • All-Time Unlimited History of Conversions

  • Chart of Currency Exchange Rates

  • All-Time Unlimited Comparison

  • More Vivid Themes

  • More Options in Settings

  • iCloud Sync on All Your Devices

  • Conversion Equation

  • Custom Conversion Rate

  • Supplemental Input Keyboard

Convertium, along with many other excellent apps, is now available as part of the InVooDoo One family of services, which allows you to upgrade your entire family's mobile experience with a single, affordable subscription. Join InVooDoo One and spend less on app subscriptions.

More than 160 different currencies and 350 different physical units can be quickly and easily converted using Convertium.

Convertium is great for frequent users because it allows them to save their favorite conversion units for quick access in the future. Save time and energy without sacrificing quality.

Even if you don't have access to the internet, you can still get the most up-to-date exchange rates every half-hour. If an update is successful, Convertium will store the new information so you can use it in offline calculations.


  • In-the-moment calculations

  • Support for more than 350 different units of measurement and 160 different currencies

  • A "favorite" list of conversion types

  • Real-time updates to currency exchange rates

  • Currency tied to a specific region


Measurements of volume, area, velocity, temperature, weight, energy, currency, pressure, time, length, power, information, density, frequency, Illuminance, acceleration, plain angle, network velocity, fuel consumption, electrical current, radioactivity, and cooking are all measured and converted to the metric or imperial systems.


  • No Commercial Interruptions

  • Any Number of Favorites

  • All-Time Unlimited History of Conversions

  • Chart of Currency Exchange Rates

  • All-Time Unlimited Comparison

  • More Vivid Themes

  • More Options in Settings

  • iCloud Sync on All Your Devices

  • Conversion Equation

  • Custom Conversion Rate

  • Supplemental Input Keyboard

Convertium, along with many other excellent apps, is now available as part of the InVooDoo One family of services, which allows you to upgrade your entire family's mobile experience with a single, affordable subscription. Join InVooDoo One and spend less on app subscriptions.

More than 160 different currencies and 350 different physical units can be quickly and easily converted using Convertium.

Convertium is great for frequent users because it allows them to save their favorite conversion units for quick access in the future. Save time and energy without sacrificing quality.

Even if you don't have access to the internet, you can still get the most up-to-date exchange rates every half-hour. If an update is successful, Convertium will store the new information so you can use it in offline calculations.


  • In-the-moment calculations

  • Support for more than 350 different units of measurement and 160 different currencies

  • A "favorite" list of conversion types

  • Real-time updates to currency exchange rates

  • Currency tied to a specific region


Measurements of volume, area, velocity, temperature, weight, energy, currency, pressure, time, length, power, information, density, frequency, Illuminance, acceleration, plain angle, network velocity, fuel consumption, electrical current, radioactivity, and cooking are all measured and converted to the metric or imperial systems.


  • No Commercial Interruptions

  • Any Number of Favorites

  • All-Time Unlimited History of Conversions

  • Chart of Currency Exchange Rates

  • All-Time Unlimited Comparison

  • More Vivid Themes

  • More Options in Settings

  • iCloud Sync on All Your Devices

  • Conversion Equation

  • Custom Conversion Rate

  • Supplemental Input Keyboard

Convertium, along with many other excellent apps, is now available as part of the InVooDoo One family of services, which allows you to upgrade your entire family's mobile experience with a single, affordable subscription. Join InVooDoo One and spend less on app subscriptions.

More than 160 different currencies and 350 different physical units can be quickly and easily converted using Convertium.

Convertium is great for frequent users because it allows them to save their favorite conversion units for quick access in the future. Save time and energy without sacrificing quality.

Even if you don't have access to the internet, you can still get the most up-to-date exchange rates every half-hour. If an update is successful, Convertium will store the new information so you can use it in offline calculations.


  • In-the-moment calculations

  • Support for more than 350 different units of measurement and 160 different currencies

  • A "favorite" list of conversion types

  • Real-time updates to currency exchange rates

  • Currency tied to a specific region


Measurements of volume, area, velocity, temperature, weight, energy, currency, pressure, time, length, power, information, density, frequency, Illuminance, acceleration, plain angle, network velocity, fuel consumption, electrical current, radioactivity, and cooking are all measured and converted to the metric or imperial systems.


  • No Commercial Interruptions

  • Any Number of Favorites

  • All-Time Unlimited History of Conversions

  • Chart of Currency Exchange Rates

  • All-Time Unlimited Comparison

  • More Vivid Themes

  • More Options in Settings

  • iCloud Sync on All Your Devices

  • Conversion Equation

  • Custom Conversion Rate

  • Supplemental Input Keyboard

Convertium, along with many other excellent apps, is now available as part of the InVooDoo One family of services, which allows you to upgrade your entire family's mobile experience with a single, affordable subscription. Join InVooDoo One and spend less on app subscriptions.

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1-month FREE access to 10 great apps

This promotion works only on your iPhone / iPad

InVooDoo One bundles 10 amazing apps arranged into one smart subscription. It’s never been easier to get more. For less.

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How it works?

InVooDoo One bundles 10 amazing apps arranged into one smart subscription. It’s never been easier to get more. For less.

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How it works?

Step 1:

Download First App

To begin, download any app from the bundle. Choose the primary app you want to start with and install it on your phone.

Step 2:

Upgrade App

Open the app and navigate to the upgrade screen. Subscribe to the InVooDoo One bundle to gain access to 9 apps included in a single subscription.

Step 3:

Download Other Apps

After activating your subscription, you can find apps in the app by tapping on the InVooDoo One icon. You can also check other apps or download them from this site. Enjoy a great set of apps.

How it works?

Step 1

Download First App

To begin, download any app from the bundle. Choose the primary app you want to start with and install it on your phone.

Step 2

Upgrade App

Open the app and navigate to the upgrade screen. Subscribe to the InVooDoo One bundle to gain access to 9 apps included in a single subscription.

Step 3

Download Other Apps

After activating your subscription, you can find apps in the app by tapping on the InVooDoo One icon. You can also check other apps or download them from this site. Enjoy a great set of apps.

1-month FREE access to 10 great apps

This promotion works only on your iPhone / iPad

1-month FREE access to 10 great apps

This promotion works only on your iPhone / iPad

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